Mambo's coming home – Sea Gypsy

Mambo's coming home

It's the Friday night before a big market weekend. We have some amazingly warm and sunny spring weather to start the season.

I am beside myself with joy as after the markets I am flying to Thailand to finally see my Mambo. So sorry about the constant ranting but it has been three months. It's been hard on my own but also a fantastic time to reconnect with myself. Our yearly breaks of a few months always prove to keep our relationship fresh and alive.

Now all I can think of is fruit shakes, massages and Mambo :)

I'll be posting on Facebook and Instagram so hope to see you there.

We will be home early November with the full summer range raring to go. I so can't wait to show you what we have be working on all winter.

Enjoy these glorious spring days and thank you all for your wonderful support and friendship.

Love and all things Gypsy to you,

October 17, 2014 by Daniela Brunelli
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