Back in Oz
Finally home and I'm so happy to be back in Melbourne! We have made the most of the last few glorious Indian summer autumn days, including that divine full moon last night. We've taken so many pictures, including a photo shoot in the Dandenong, and are digging through treasures squealing with delight.
I have the beginnings of next season's collection underway and have brought home some cooler weather goodies to keep my Aussie loves warm this winter. Crocheted backpacks and bags, big soft cotton crochet throws, funky knitwear, tie-dye overalls will make their appearance soon. We will be posting photos soon with a few little surprises, like giveaways and a competition and other fun stuff.
If anyone has a photo of themselves in Sea Gypsy clothing, I would so love if you would share it with us on our Facebook page. I get such a thrill to see the amazing ways you mix and match our pieces and make the items your own. Something I love about these clothes is that they can be put together with nearly anything in your closet, then thrown on your favorite chair and remade into a whole new outfit another day.
As you can tell I am beside myself these days. I'm feeling blessed and grateful to be alive and making the most of every sunrise, bird chirp, friend's voice, smile.... every moment! It is so wonderful to go away alone, though a little confronting at first. A month was just long enough to turn off and go inwards and let life settle enough to remember the good things, be inspired and return grateful.
Sending hugs your way,
Erica said:
Grateful to get to share in your travels a little bit!